Anywho, after thanking the Airplane Gods and the Claustrophobia Goddesses for not sending too much evil her way, as well as remembering that the sun was not likely to explode anytime soon, YoungSoul headed off to find herself. And more importantly, her treasure. But first, she found this woman:
YoungSoul decided she needed to broaden her knowledge so she took a trip to Reed College, where classes are small and tuition is large. It was a beautiful place, with rivers for sea-voyages and barely any suicides!
The hero also decided she wanted revenge for all the wrong-doers she had faced during various perils, so she went on a quest to find the ever-so-famous VooDoo Donuts. Turns out, other folk had liked VooDoo Donuts before it was cool to like VooDoo Donuts, so YoungSoul decided to return at a later midnight hour, even though it meant dealing with a drunk guy who thought she was pretty. YoungSoul appreciated that very much.
On her journey YoungSoul met many important people, such as a wondrous blond man (this wondrous <---> ) and her real father, pictured far right. Sill she looked on for her treasure. If it wasn't revenge, or food, or family, or love, what could it be???
Like always, she had a majestic sweater to protect and serve her. Like a bodyguard, but green.
She traveled to waterfalls and across mighty bridges to a foreign land known as Wah-Shing-Tun. The name is derived from a Native American tribe who used to inhabit the area, called the May-Kshi-Tup clan. Here she made contact with her other life by phoning a friend, all the while listening closely for the sound of a foghorn to guide her home. Foghorns you say? Yes, foghorns.But still no treasure.
After more trecks into the unknown. YoungSoul finally realized she had known where the treasure was all along. It was back home, right where she had started.
No, i'm kidding. That's bullshit.
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