Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chapter Eight: In which there are Knives

Our brave souls realized they had become rather secluded over the past few adventures, so one fine day they invited two other souls, Maty (henceforth known as Thing One)  and LauraLion (Thing Two) to join them. The four scurried through the wild forest on what was supposed to be a light hike. However, before they knew it, evil things started to occur! The trees started talking and they twisted their branches to and from in an attempt to capture the brave souls! It seemed the end was near...

Just as the darkness closed upon them, Thing One remembered something.
"Look at this!" said Thing one, "Look here, Look at me!
I'm carrying weapons, let's destroy this damn tree!"

He pulled out some big, silver knives and passed them around. 

The souls tried first to coax the tree into submission, but the tree would not hear of it. You know how stubborn trees are these days. I blame it on capitalism. Anyways, it was finally decided that the knives were the only possible option, so the souls all began to fight!

At first the attempts were no more than pitiful excuses, but finally, Young Soul made a good move and dealt 30 points of damage!

The evil tree realized that he might need some backup, so he called the Angry Forest God to give him a helping hand. The Forest God called his minions (known to most as grass and random shit on ground) to steal the weapons from the souls. After each attack, the minions would scurry 'round and steal the knives. This greatly discouraged the souls because good weapons are hard to find.  (see what i did there? It's funny because...)

Seriously, it was a bitch. Those minions get shit done. 

After much searching, the weapons were found and the battle continued.Thing Two had some trouble but in the end she got in a good stab as well, dealing 20 more points of damage while ElderSoul got in a good 25 by using her mind tricks. Thing One went crazy and started attacking the Evil Tree with all his might, dealing the final 25 damage points. And then he did it again, just to be sure. The Tree crumpled to the ground and the rest of the forest bowed down to the noble souls.

After their adventure the group tramped into town for drinks and hoes, like usual.

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